About Corali Spa.
Corali Spa was created by Bruno Corali's intuition and activity in 1957, whthemen he planned and manufactured stapling machines to stitch wooden elements of light orchard products boxes with metal and assemble them.
After reaching a leader position for machines for orchard wooden packing, thancks to the hight technology of its automatic lines, exploiting the increasing development in storing and trasnport fields, Corali Spa started with the production of machines and equipment for the manifacture of pallets and industrial crates in 1965. At first stapling-machine, afterwards nailing-machines and then full automatic and modular lines that satisfy each need with a complete and exhaustive solution.
The versatility of the company is reflected in the adaptable machines of its production range, final products, as well as arrangement possibilities.
Not to forget is that on this purpose, Corali Spa has projected and created full automatic computerrised lines to produce special pallets for both Italian and foreign big societies.
Starting from this and feeling the necessary of modernising itself, in 1997 Corali Spa has promoted some firm changes that have given a new enthusiasm and new ideas, synthesised in the last great obtained results.